Wednesday, December 17, 2008

Yummy Mum's Dounut, tea break on 14th Dec08

Make this Dounut during last weekend for tea.
Here you are the Recepi my mum coach me....
Ing A:
2 teaspoon dry yeast (mauripan)
2 teaspoon sugar
1/2 cup warm water
(mix this and let the yeast spread)

Ing B:
4 cups flour
4 tbspoon milk powder
4 tbspoon butter
1 egg
1 cup of water
Oil for deep frying

1. Prepare the yeast mixture and put aside to let the yeast spread
2. Mix flour, milk powder and butter - till it became like bread crumb
3. Meanwhile break the egg and mix it
4. Pour it into the (2) mixture
5. Pour in the (1) the yeast mixture - mix well
6. then bit by bit add in the water from the 1 cup of water...
7. Neal the mixture till you feel it soft and the dough doesn't stick to your palm.
8. Cover with wet musline cloth, and rest for ½ hour.
9. Pound the dough softly.
10. Then shape it into dounut.
11. Again rest till it rise, the fry it in deep oil.
12. If you want to put custor sugar, then immediate when you remove from the pan after golden fried, pour the custor sugar and spread over the dounut.
13. Else if you want to ganache with chocolate, then you need marrie baine the cooking chocolate.
Cool down the dounut first before you deep in the chocolate.
Then you can add in anything as decoration: choc rice, nuts, etc.

Tuesday, December 9, 2008

Zarif Engagement CC Project, 6th Dec08

My new cc for Zarif Engagment day on 6th. Dec08. Steamed and decorate the cc on the 5th. Dec08. This round make this cupcake using butter cream for the base and rolled fondant for the heart and roses as decoration.
Inside is Choc rice orange paste cake.
During the steaming part the mouth of the paper cc open and the papercup became large. So what I did, I removed the wet steam paper cc and put the cake into a new dry paper cc. Though there's a waste...but at least the cc turned to be in good shape and easy for me to do the finishing part that is the decorating!!.

Monday, December 1, 2008

My first class - CupCake and Icing Deco, 30th Nov08

I've conducted my first CC baking and icing decorating class on 30th Nov08 to young kids aged 12-15. Thaught them to bake marble steam cake. And later decorate their own creative cc decorations. Here are their hand work. Though it is their first attemp...but with patient and concentration they managed to complete the baking and deco within 3 hours. They are very hard working student. Thanks Azuna and adik for your support in sending your kids to my first promo class. And congratulation to my student, Sofea Syahira, Sofyan Sazli and Naqisha.

Effendi Engagement Cake, 29th Nov08

This blue buttercream requested for my nephew engagement day, 29th Nov08
As usual inside is the Chocolate Roha's Recepi.

Tuesday, November 11, 2008

Grandson, Syahrin 1st year B'day 10th Nov08

Make this cake (combination of 2 cakes: chocolate and carrot cake) to celebrate my grandson Mohamad Syahrin's 1st year b'day on 9th Nov08. His b'day was on 10th. This round decorate by using edible photo and buttercream plus roses.

Friday, October 24, 2008

Cheese Cake and Brownies for 2008 Idul Fitri

Baked these 2 cakes : Cheese Crispy Cakes and Brownies for 2008 Idul Fitri.
Walla!! So yummy

Cheese Crispy Cake
2 cawan biskut digestive /oreo yg telah dihancurkan
3 sudu makan butter - dicairkan
gaul dgn biskut sehingga boleh dikepal
ratakan pada loyang 8"
sejukkan dalam peti ais

batter :
250g cream cheese (pada suhu bilik)
1 telur gred A
2 sudu makan gula icing
1 cup yogurt
4 keping chokelat crispy - di pecahkan
cara :
putar cream cheese @ medium speed dgn gula hingga licin
campurkan yogurt - putar sebentar
masukkan telur satu persatu, sambung putar @ low speed hingga sebati
tuangkan ke atas base separuh
taburkan dengan pecahan chokelat crispy
tuangkan baki separuh lagi cream cheese
kukus selama 1 jam

Vegan Brownie

250gm All Purpose (tepung gandum biasa jer)
400gm Brown Sugar (asal castor sugar & rs kena reduce skett...a bit sweet)
65gm Cocoa Powder
3gm Baking Powder
6gm Salt
1 cup Water
1 cup Oil (lain kali nak cuba letak melted butter)
1tsp Vanila Essence
100gm Chopped Walnut (sendiri tambah)
1. Ayak sume tepung.
2. Boh air & oil, gaul sampai sebati (jgn overmix ekkk)
3. Boh kacang.
4. Boh dlm loyang 10X10 (alas loyang ngan kertas minyak).
5. Bakar temp dlm 150C sampai masak.

Asyraf's B'day 20th Oct08

Baked 2 cakes for my nephew's b'day, Ahmad Asyraf on his 8th. Birthday!
His birthday was on 20th Oct'08 but celebrated on 19th Oct'08
Car cake is the chocolate cake Roha /Zaima recepie and the cupcake is the Chocalate Rice plain steam cake.

Friday, September 19, 2008

BDay cake to my Niece Syafiqah 28th Aug08

This cake is for my Niece Syafiqah on 28th Aug08 for her 7th B'day.

This cake B'cake was requested 3 days before the event. Originally requested for Pooh the Karate Panda. But finally turn out to be Brownie Bear!!! Me and my hubby had a simple yet fun bday celebration that night.

Thursday, August 14, 2008

Yummy Brownies

Another favourite...Brownies...

anything to do with chocolate is my favourite....

Ni Sab...nak bagi f/back resepi yg dicuba ( at last...terbuat juga)

Feedback: Sedap.... simple
tp masa mencairkan butter dan chocolate cooking dia tak sebati...
resepi kata cairkan double boil... butter with
cooking chocalate... (len kali nak dengar pesan mama... cairkan choc dulu baru masukkan butter)
maaf resepi campur adukkan .... sbb ada bahan tiada...ada yang tak sebut tp ada...substitute le ...

Resepi: Fudge Brownies
Kiriman : Aida
1 cup butter, melted
1 cup cocoa
1 bar (200gm) white cooking chocolate ( Sab tambahkan...)
2 cups sugar (Sab kurangkan ke 1 cawan je.... sbb guna cooking chocalate)
1 1/2 tsp vanilla
4 eggs
1 1/3 cups flour
1 tsp baking powder
1/2 tsp salt
1 cup nuts or chocolate chips (optional)

Bahagian ni Sab buat...camni..
1. Cairkan butter dan chocolate together cara double boil - hasil kat sini tak bercampur
2. Tepung, koko, baking powder di ayak bersama, then campurkan kekacang yang dichopkan bersama-sama
3. Pecahkan telur dalam bekas lain.... kacau bagi pecah dan rata ,

masukkan gula...kacau lagi bagi hancur....masukkan vanila esen
4. then masukkan cairan yang sebati chocolate dan butter. (dlm peraturan 1)...
kacau bagi sebati..
5. Last sekali masukkan campuran tepung + koko + kekacang (dlm peraturan 2)
6. Masukkan dalam dulang...Bakarkan...

[ Aturan asal:
Mix cocoa in well with the melted butter. Add sugar, vanilla, and eggs, mixing well. Add flour, baking powder, salt, and nuts or chocolate chips. I actually prefer the chocolate chips!! Pour mixture
into a greased 9 by 13 inch pan. Bake in a preheated 350F ( Sab set 190C) oven for 25 - 30 minutes (rasa sat sangat...sbb tengah masih lembik..Sab tambahkan 15 minit lagi), until a toothpick inserted comes out almost clean, you do not want to overbake! (Dah masak Sab biarkan seketika dalam oven) ]

Marble Chocolate Cheese Cake

My favourite Marble Chocolate Cheese Cake

sumber : roylazim
kiriman : maklang azie
Bahan Bahan A

180 gm. Butter
20 gm. cocoa powder - ayak
170 gm. Gula castor
3 biji telor
120 gm. tepong naik Sendiri - ayak
1 tsp. baking powder - ayak

Bahan bahan B

250 gm. cream cheese
60 gm. gula castor
1 tsp. vanilla essence
1 biji telor

Cara cara nya :-

(1) Pukul butter and gula.
(2) Masukkan telor sebiji demi sebiji.
(3) Masukkan tepong, cocoa dan baking powder yang telah di ayak. Gaul rata.
(4) Di sebuah bekas yang lain, pukul kesumua bahan bahan B hingga kembang.
(5) Tuang 1 bahagian adunan A kedalam loyang berukuran 7" dan ratakan.
Kemudian tuangkan semua adunan bahan B. Ratakan permukaan loyang.
(6) Tuangkan baki adunan A.
7) Bakar di oven 160 deg C - selama 60 mins.
(8) Setelah masak tunggu hingga betul betul sejuk sebelum dipotong dan hidang.
(9) Selamat mencuba.

2nd cake for Syafezah Birthday - Carrot Cake

Oh ya... this is another cake made for my lovely niece syafezah's birthday 2nd Aug08.

Carrot cake topping with cheese cream

resepi taken from RNet - Mak Lang Hanieliza

Sumber: Hanieliza
250 g butter
150 g gula halus
3 biji telur
1 s/k esen vanilla
200 g carrot [parut dan celur - toskan kering]
100g prune cincang
50 g kismis
230 g tepung gandum ]
1 s/k baking powder ] ayakkan
1 s/k serbuk kulit kayu manis ]
1. Panasakan kukusan
2. Butter dan gula dipukul sehinga gebu.
3. Masukkan telur satu persatu dan kacau rata.
4. Masukkan esen vanila dan kacau lagi.
5. Masukkan tepung gandum yg telah diayakkan bersama baking powder dan serbuk kayu manis.
6. Masukkan carrot, kismis dan prune.
7. Gaul rata dan masukkan dalam acuan yg dilapikkan kertas
8. Kukuskan dalam kukusan selama 50 minit
9. Bila telah masak, sejukkan dan sapukan cream keju.
Cream Keju
250 g cream keju
50 g gula halus
50 g fresh cream
1 cawan yogurt perisa buahan
1. Pukul semua bahan sehingga gebu dan sapukan pada kek lobak yg telah sejuk.

Pie Tie

This pie tie was made during my visit at my mum's place last two weeks.

Bahan kulit / bakul
100 gm tepung beras
30 gm tepung gandum
1 biji telur
160ml air
secubit garam
¼ sudu teh crispy improver (optional)
1.Gaulkan semua bahan
2. Panaskan kuali
3. Letakkan sekejap acuan pi tie dlm kuali minyak panas
4. angkat acuan, rendam dalam adunan sebentar
5. then masuk dalam kuali minyak panas
6. biarkan lekang dari acuan
7. goreng hingga garing kekuningan
8. angkat.

Bahan Inti/Sayur

Untuk bahan sayur:
1 labu sengkuang - potong bulat dan hiris panjang kecil
2 batang carrot yg kecil - potong bulat dan hiris panjang kecil
1 labu bawang besar ( yg kecil) - potong dadu kecil
1 butir bawang putih - cincang halus
2 tangkai cabai merah - cincang kasar / halus
10 ekor udang - hiris dadu kecil
6 lonjong isi ketam - belah empat panjang dan hiris dadu
sedikit minyak untuk menumis
secubit garam

1. Tumis bawang dan bwg putih
2. masukkan isi udang dan ketam - goreng sikit je
3. masukkan sayur mayur
4. last baru masukkan cabai
5. masukkan perasa
6. Kacau kacau sekejap je atas api... jangan lama - nanti lembik... tak ranggup tak best