Friday, October 24, 2008

Cheese Cake and Brownies for 2008 Idul Fitri

Baked these 2 cakes : Cheese Crispy Cakes and Brownies for 2008 Idul Fitri.
Walla!! So yummy

Cheese Crispy Cake
2 cawan biskut digestive /oreo yg telah dihancurkan
3 sudu makan butter - dicairkan
gaul dgn biskut sehingga boleh dikepal
ratakan pada loyang 8"
sejukkan dalam peti ais

batter :
250g cream cheese (pada suhu bilik)
1 telur gred A
2 sudu makan gula icing
1 cup yogurt
4 keping chokelat crispy - di pecahkan
cara :
putar cream cheese @ medium speed dgn gula hingga licin
campurkan yogurt - putar sebentar
masukkan telur satu persatu, sambung putar @ low speed hingga sebati
tuangkan ke atas base separuh
taburkan dengan pecahan chokelat crispy
tuangkan baki separuh lagi cream cheese
kukus selama 1 jam

Vegan Brownie

250gm All Purpose (tepung gandum biasa jer)
400gm Brown Sugar (asal castor sugar & rs kena reduce skett...a bit sweet)
65gm Cocoa Powder
3gm Baking Powder
6gm Salt
1 cup Water
1 cup Oil (lain kali nak cuba letak melted butter)
1tsp Vanila Essence
100gm Chopped Walnut (sendiri tambah)
1. Ayak sume tepung.
2. Boh air & oil, gaul sampai sebati (jgn overmix ekkk)
3. Boh kacang.
4. Boh dlm loyang 10X10 (alas loyang ngan kertas minyak).
5. Bakar temp dlm 150C sampai masak.

Asyraf's B'day 20th Oct08

Baked 2 cakes for my nephew's b'day, Ahmad Asyraf on his 8th. Birthday!
His birthday was on 20th Oct'08 but celebrated on 19th Oct'08
Car cake is the chocolate cake Roha /Zaima recepie and the cupcake is the Chocalate Rice plain steam cake.