Wednesday, May 27, 2009

Steamed Puding Putu Mayong

Semalam ada pasar mlm ...jumpa orang jual putu mayong...
Seb baik ada bahan2 kat fridge...Terus buat puding

12 keping putu mayong (buang nyior... ambil gula merah yang ada)
4 butir telur
1 tin susu cair Carnation
1/2 cawan gula
secubit garam
esen vanilla
1. Campur telur dan gula, kacau sebati
2. masukkan susu + garam dan esen vanila
3. masukkan putu mayong....rendam dan leraikan --- jangan ramas
4. Masukkan gula merah dan cuma ratakan saja
4 Kukus selama 45 minit...
5. Siap

Thursday, May 14, 2009

Homemade Chocolate for Sales

This is my first sales on homemade chocolate with strawberry and chocolate fillings.
mmmm yummy!!
Cost Selling is RM6!! 7 pcs of choc inside!!.

Birthday Cake and Mother's Day Cake - Ordered on 8th May09

This two cakes are ordered by my officemate Wooi Chin for her Boss Birthday and her Mum's Mother's Day on 8th May09. It's chocolate ganached cake and orange cake.

Wednesday, May 13, 2009

Choc Cake ordered by Lay See, April09

And this is the cake that I made for my officemate order. As usual it's a chocolate cake, ganached and sprinkled with almond nibs and choc rice.

SGGS Raised Fund Sales 26th April09

This are the cc that I baked (156 pcs) for the SGGS Raised Fund Sales on 26th April09