Monday, July 20, 2009

Bread Class 19th July09

Attended Bread Class on 19th July09, at PG Cake Craft, Komtar. Wow! Interesting Class.
Though I've baked bread before just refering to the recipe, but here 've learnt the secrets and ways on how to bake 10 shapes of bread!!. A bonus given on Doughnut.

Sunday, July 19, 2009


This month is my blueberry cheese tart month, as I tested to bake for orders. These tart being ordered by my sister's officemates. Here they are, with various shapes and baking color (from light color to brown!!!), with the packing.

Friday, July 10, 2009

Noerman 1st year B'day (anak Raja Rogayah)

Ini kek yang di order hari ni, buat semalam, untuk 1st year Noerman - anak
officemate saya.
Dalam ialah kek butter (dari resepi kek oren cousin saya.). A simple
decoration. Kawan minta buat kereta, sbb anak dia suka kereta... kwn minta
tayar tak buat..sbb rasa tak sesuai dgn saiz kereta yang saya
then decorate dgn smarties, choc rice. Cream is Baker Whipped Cream.
Resepi Kek Butter.
250gm buttercup
1¼ cwn gula custor
½ sudu teh ovellete
1 sudu teh esen vanila
6 biji telur
2 cawan tepung naik sendiri
2 sudu besar susu manis
sedikit air panas
1. Pukul butter dan gula sehingga kembang dan putih berkilat
2. masukkan ovellete, pukul lagi
3. masukkan telur sebiji demi sebiji sehingga habis
4. masukkan esen vanila
5. sementara itu campurkan susu manis dan air panas sehingga menjadi ¼ cwn air campuran
6. Masukkan tepung dan susu berselang seli sehingga habis.
7. Bakar pada suhu 190 darjah celsius selama 1 jam.

Thursday, July 2, 2009

Effendy Akad Nikah's Fondant Cupcake, 26th June09

Make this cupcake, requested by my mother-in-law for Effendy Akad Nikah's event on 26th June09. Baked the cake in the 25th June morning, start shaping the flowers and decorated the flowers on the cupcake, which ended at 3.00pm. Oh what a tedious work!!! Inside is baked chocolate cake, decorated with rolled fondant.
Balance of the batter, steamed the chocolate cake and ganached with white & strawberry chocolate, then slice into small pieces and place in a paper cup.
Finally make my mum-in-law happy with the outcome!!..which actually she requested to have more quantity and bright coloured red cupcake !!! Luckily she likes it...else...

My Love Hubby's Bday, 30th June09 - 49!

Put up a surprised, simple and small gathering to celebrate my hubby's Zulkifli Omar 49th Birthday on 30th June09 at his brother's place. He was very shocked to recieved so many tiny miny present from me, syafezah(his niece), shahrin and nor umairah (his grand son and daughter), new wed nephew (effendy).
I baked a marble coffee paste cake , decorated with whipped cream. Also make some chocolate using the sea-shell mould, decorated on top of the cake.