Monday, December 1, 2008

My first class - CupCake and Icing Deco, 30th Nov08

I've conducted my first CC baking and icing decorating class on 30th Nov08 to young kids aged 12-15. Thaught them to bake marble steam cake. And later decorate their own creative cc decorations. Here are their hand work. Though it is their first attemp...but with patient and concentration they managed to complete the baking and deco within 3 hours. They are very hard working student. Thanks Azuna and adik for your support in sending your kids to my first promo class. And congratulation to my student, Sofea Syahira, Sofyan Sazli and Naqisha.


Anna said...

amboi..amboi...ada gambar anak 1..glamer you!

Sabrina Bakar said...

biasalah...anak u ... anak menakan i...dah jadi model dah...all over the world people will view...