Monday, August 10, 2009

My own Bread Baking, 26th July09

Tried out my own bread baking from the lesson that retrieved from the bread baking class. Make all sorts of shapes. This round add the recepi of baking the mexican bun... doesn't turn out the coating melted and suppose to wait for the bread to raise double..but it doesn't happen. with my mum's advice..she told me that it will raise once i put in the oven. She was right. Luckily the bread raised and turn out superb. Feedback receive...though the mexican bun coating doesn't meet expectation but it taste superb.

3rd Tart Project : Chocolate Tart

Ini pulak projek tart yang ke-3. Kali ini buat guna jem nenas dan chocolate. Buat untuk makan dan testing untuk order raya.

Decorated Biscuit Project

This is the project that I did with my niece Syafeqah and her mum (my sis in law) megawani..decorated biscuit. Wow! I appreciate their assisstant. Syafeqah really went through the hard work of cutting the biscuit base. She completed the whole process. Aha...I'll hire her to be my assisstant or project partner in future. I baked this biscuit for my niece Nur Syafezah's birthday on the 2nd Aug09.

NOTE: Something is not rigth with the marringue as it sticks like a rubber band that exposed to hot sun. when checked back with RNet friend, notice that the recipe I used excluded the corn floor.

Here's the recipe.

sumber: ahli RNet
150 gr marjerin
150gr butter
200 gr icing sugar
4 btr kuning telur
500gr tepung gandum/cookies
1 tbsp corn flour
1 tsp vanilla /mocca pasta/coffe pasta/beberapa titik cinnamon flavour (utk ginger)
Cara Membuat :
Mixer butter/marjerin dgn icing sugar sampai lembut,putih dan kembang, masukkan merah telur.mixer lagi sampai tercampur rata, masukkan tepung gandum, cornflour dan vanilla , uli sampai sebati, uli sampai tidak melekat lagi ditangan.gilas dan cetak adunan
50 ml putih telur
250 gr icing sugar
½ tsp cuka /vinegar/lemon juice
mixer putih telur, masukan icing sugar sedikit-sedikit, sambil terus dimixer slow, masukan cuka atau air lemon, mixer rata. Masukan dalam piping bag,tambahkan pewarna dan gunting ujungnya

so next time will use below recipe for the marringue
sumber: suzinor RNet
1 biji putih telur
200gm gula icing yang di ayak ( Ini mungkin tak habis pakai )
1 sudu besar tepung jagung
air lemon & air masak sejuk
1. Pukul putih telur hingga kembang
2. bila dah kembang berbuih masukkan gula sedikit2. Tengok pekat mana kita hendak.
3. Masukkan tepung jagung & pukul lagi
4. Masukkan air lemon lebih kurang 1 sudu teh. kita kacau & tengok pekat mana kita nak. Kalau kita nak cair supaya bila kita pipe atas cookies cantik berkilat tambah air sikit2 sambil kacau. Base colour tu icingnya cair sikit dari outline.
Suzi selalu dah pukul banyak ising tu ambil 1 sudu utk campur colour & air kacau sebati & tengok boleh letak as base dia tak. Yang lain Suzi biarkan pekat sebab nanti nakguna yang pekat untuk outline.
Cookies mesti dah bakar masak dulu & sejukkan sebelum letak royal ising. Ada 2 kaedah nak bakar royal icing ni.
1. Letak base royal ising & bakar dalam 1 minit api 100-150C. Kemudian keluarkan & letak outline guna royal ising pekat & bakar lagi dalam 1 minit.
2. Kaedah 2 ni kaedah orang malas macam kak Suzi ni. Letak base royal ising biarkan kering ( bila dah letak sampai 30 biji bayak dah yang kering) & pipe royal ising outline yang pekat. Lepastu bakar sekali ajer 100-150C selama 1 minit.

Strawberry Coated with chocolate

Ini pulak ..projek strawberry coated with chocolate. Teringin sangat nak makan...

Kek Cempedak

Buat kek cempedak ni as buah tangan ke kenduri akad nikah anak cousin husband yesterday, 9th aug09

Kek Cempedak
1 buku buttercup
1/2 cawan gula
5 biji telur
2 cawan tepung kek naik sendiri
1 cawan cempedak - ambil isi dan hiris

1. Pukul butter dengan gula sehingga kembang
2. masukkan telur sebiji sebiji
3. masukkan tepung
4. Last sekali masukkan cempedak
5. bakar pada suhu 190darjah selama 1 jam..

dah siap....
ni ha sepiring